Liquid Cell

Near-Infrared Transflectance cell, with optional calibrated pathlengths from 0.3-1 mm.

SKU: MRC-912-000 Categories: ,

The Transflectance Cell is a demountable device comprising a bottom and a top part which come apart very easily. The top is held reproducibly in position at four points after assembly. Samples can be applied as a single drop, with an eye-dropper or spatula. The cap, containing the near-infrared transparent window is then placed on top to spread the material evenly. The guiding pins lead the cap, then click in place to assure that the liquid is always the same distance from the window. The optical pathlength is always at least twice the physical thickness of the liquid layer. If the incident light is not perpendicular to the plane of the window, the pathlength is increased accordingly. The Cell can be cleaned easily by opening the top of the cell and washing the exposed surfaces with soap and water. The gold surface is chemically resistant, thus washing with alcohol, acetone or similar solvents is possible.

Cell Dimensions: 2.0” Diameter x 1.0”

Reflective Surface: 1.0” Diameter Diffuse gold

Pathlength: available between 0.2-0.6 mm

Window Material: NIR Borosilicate glass

Near-Infrared measurement of different liquid, slurry, gel and paste samples.